Books! My favorite objects in the whole world. Can't resist! At the quilt show Saturday I purchased two new ones. To my delight there's a new book of Carol Doak paper-pieced stars -- if anything, these 24 stars are more complex than the 50 in her former book. To me the first and hardest challenge is the fabric choice. But that's also a pure delight because it sends me to my stash where I can contemplate tones and shades and hues as well as patterns. I have a lot of small pieces which is fine for many parts of these complex stars. I often make mistakes and after a quarter of a star have to rethink and make other choices. It's an exercise I really enjoy. Then the sewing which may be time consuming and a little challenging since I don't follow her choices and then have to remember what my choices are as I go along. But then I have that moment at the end when it all comes together and, mostly, I'm delighted with the results. So I look forward to these stars ... in the fullness of time. I do have the discipline to finish at lesat some of what's already started before plunging into a new endeavor.
The second book I purchased is Martha Siegleman's [she was editor] hefty but compact book Art Quilt Masters. It's BEUATIFUL! The artists span the world and they are, indeed, all masters, well recognized in the world of art quilters. There are several examples of each artist's work and it is beautifully printed. The text is sparse but there is enough to be helpful and give the viewer/reader a sense of the artist's purpose and personality. I'm going through it slowly, savoring, like a wonderful, many course meal.
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