That's it. The whole enchilada! Well, not the WHOLE, quite -- no backing, no quilting, no binding, no hanging sleeve ... but the piecing is done! Whoopee! Hurray! I did the math, it came to 1520 pieces. A few were sacrificed to make the center square and a few others to square up th corners. So a nice round 1500 will be close enough. This is the last time I'll bore those who read this frequently with this quilt. I'll drudge on and do the necessary remainder but I'll show other photos and talk about other things hereafter. What a big sigh of relief!!!
Historic barn original to the old Finley property -- now known as the
Finley Nature Reserve. Benton County
Deep within the bowels of old barns are storie...
8 years ago
Congratulations, June! It's beautiful! I hope you do post another picture when it's fully completed. It is really so wonderful.
It's gorgeous! I'm with Evelyn--we're gonna need one final picture.
I've forgotten: how big is it?
Stunningly beautiful!
What a stunning quilt!! I hope you'll put it in the Empire show in March. So beautiful.
absolutely gorgeous.
My first visit to your blog, certainly won't be the last! Happy Quilting, Sharyn/KalamaQuilts
Oh my, June! That is stunning. Yes, please be sure to post a final photo.
I was going to say it was gorgeous, but I've changed my mind. It's dazzling . . . or, as the French say, "eblouissant." (Hope I can remember my francais from 1970!)
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