The quilt in the picture here is again one of my bad photos but it was a lovely quilt by the speaker, Margaret Cohen of Long Island who is a traditional quilter, doing most of the piecing and quilting by hand -- some piecing by machine. But she only does machine quilting when making something for her daughter-in-law! She was a very amusing speaker and had wonderful quilts. I was especially glad to hear that she doesn't believe in basting but uses lots of safety pins which is my preferred method. But, I was astonished that she dosn't think of them as things to sleep under -- in fact she spoke of a chilly night in a motel at a quilt show when her roommate suggested she use a qulit to add warmth and she felt very uncomfortable sleeping under one of her own quilts.
I feel entirely the opposite. I almost ritually need to sleep under a quilt before I give it away. While I have a couple of throws, I own no blankets, I always sleep under my own quilts. That's what they are for - the ones that aren't wall size. So now, I have several unfinished projects to work on and a couple of small quils, well, maybe three ... well maybe more counting the charity ones I want to do from some 2x2 squares... which I want to finish this summer. And I want to make a jacket before it gets cool in the fall .. but since summer is only now getting a toe hold, that feels a long way off.
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