The annual Bayberry Quilt Guild show is currently taking place at the conference center in Hyannis (quite close to where I live) Over 250 quilts are on display. They are an example of the art of modern quilting; there are some traditional bed quilts and many untraditional quilts both meant for bed and for display. Workmanship is mostly excellent, choice of color and design is bright, beautiful and sometimes surprising. Techniques go from a few (just a few) quilts which are entirely hand made to many new designs and techniques using the latest sewing and quilting machines and the high quality, brilliantly designed modern fabric. I have not take photographs that show the range of what is on display. Today the Cape Cod Times featured three color photos from the show. Below are some photos -- largely from the small art quilt group called Uncommon Threads of which I'm a member.
Our most artistically brilliant member, Robin McGuire is the "featured quilter of the year" with display of nearly twenty quilts have astonished visitors and brought praise from the curator of Cape
Cod's major art museum. These photos are poor quality and only hint at what the work looks like. I will attempt to get more and better photos tomorrow.
These are two of three exhibits of work by the Uncommon Threads group. To tell the truth in the top photo, I have forgotten who did the two on the let. The big sunflower with a button center in mine. In quilts in the bottom photo were from a challenge in the group to make a piece inspired by a well known artist. The top is by Meredith called "Georgia's landscape." The dark middle piece was also inspired by O'Keefe although I don't remember what painting, the colorful piece on the right is Elaine inspired by Matisse. The bottom pieces which are seashells are mine and also inspired by O'Keefe, and Kathleen did the piece on the right inspired by Peter Maxx.
There is a third small exhibit of some of he postcards we made in a postcard challenge. (We meet approximately once a month and make something to a "challenge" or prompt with no rules about style, size, material.
Below are a couple of quilts from the show. The bicycle wheels are astonishingly complex quilt piecing as well as clever use of the bicycle theme. The other is a more traditional quilt with an ocean theme -- there are several quilts in the show with reference to the ocean. Possibly I will have more photos to post tomorrow. This is not at all an adequate sampling. Remember a click on the photo enlarges it.
Historic barn original to the old Finley property -- now known as the
Finley Nature Reserve. Benton County
Deep within the bowels of old barns are storie...
8 years ago
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