Saturday, June 18, 2016

Rose everywhere

The season  marches along predictably.  The summer solstice is upon us and the spring flowers are gone. In the past two week roses have burst into bloom all over town. These are along a fence of a home -- one of many, many.  They are fragrant!  Which is somewhat remarkable today. But I literally "smelled the roses" as I stooped to get a nice close photo.  The rhododendruns are still out but beginning to fade.  The kousa dogwoods which are so abundant you'd think they were native to the area (they're Asian) are magnificent tall towers of white blooms.  On the beaches the rosa rugosas are in full bloom, pink, red and white -- they too are fragrant, being wild and natural. Soon the hydrangeas will add blue and purple and fuschia to the mix.  This is a very, very beautiful place!

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deray toyyy said...
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