Monday, March 17, 2014

OK, I Give Up

I usually struggle and rarely am truly successful when I make a quilt block with half-square triangles. The Bayberry Guild's BOM is this block.  I chose the colors with some care and I cut and sewed with some care.  But it is not exactly square. And I swear the directions for cuting were incorrect  so the blocks with the half square triangles were too large and the 12-1/2 block is very nearly 14 inches square. Also it's not qit was sewn and finally ironed -- ta da! do you see it?  Of course you do.  One block is turned the wrong way.  It was laid out correctly beside the sewing machine.  Such problems haunt me in such blocks. My mind wanders.

The truth of the matter is I do not do well with such blocks.  I do not always get my points correct and I always get one piece headed it the wrong direction.  I think it's a lovely design, and I love using up scraps. (Scraps are the year's theme for the guild.)  But I've got to take myself in hand and admit I just can't do it.  I get wonderful points and even blocks, exactly the right size when I do paper piecing.  And usually when I do blocks that do not have triangles.  Plenty of them exist and from here on I am going to eschew the frustration and abject embarrassment of making such stupid, entirely avoidable mistakes.  Except for me, with my mind that may also be planning a poem or watching the robins in the lawn or who knows what distraction, I cannot concentrate, as needs to happen, on getting ir right. Lesson learned.  I hope.

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